Writing on
Be Afraid
A crucial step in the pursuit of our dreams is the processing of fear; if you don’t process fear then you will more than likely not allow yourself to imagine.
Add Imagination
Imagine what your future would look like if you folded in your values, your vision and mission, what you’re good at, what you enjoy, what you’re passionate about and where you find favour!
First Steps
Establishing you values, vision and mission is important - If you don’t know who you are you won’t know who to say yes to and who to say no to.
Dreaming by Design
The encouragement to dream should always provoke the question: how do you go about turning your dream into a reality?
The Table
If we really want to grow the size and maturity of our organisations we need more tables.
Back to Normal
A life well lived is not a life well driven it’s a life well led; liminal space allows us to transition from being driven in to lockdown to being led out of it.
Mark Lawrence is a leadership and culture consultant