
Our Thinking, Learning & Explorations in Leadership

Journey through some of the foundational ideas, concepts and thinking that we try to embed in all we do.

The Effectiveness of the Table

One ready criticism of the table is that compared to the platform it’s highly inefficient, or so it seems.

Leadership and the Platform

The tendency for the platform and leadership to be synonymous has the potential to marginalise the multitude of talent in any organisation.

Leading around the Table

Without embracing the table leaders and those they lead will struggle to know and be known.

The Table

If we really want to grow the size and maturity of our organisations we need more tables.

Back to Normal

A life well lived is not a life well driven it’s a life well led; liminal space allows us to transition from being driven in to lockdown to being led out of it.

The Table & Liminal Space

The table can provide us as individuals and organisations with the opportunity to reconfigure our lives as we exit this season of liminal space.

Loss in Liminal Space

Liminality is the antidote to superficiality - the curse of this age. Liminal space invites us to embrace suffering not escape it.

Liminal Space: Transformation, Not Preservation

The restrictions of the past year have been hugely challenging but they have offered us a different starting point, catapulting us out of our orbit around the status quo.

Liminal Space as a Magnifier

Liminal space is a magnifier, amplifier and accelerator of what was there before - the good, the bad and the ugly.